Your worldwide partner for parts and the import of BOLNES marine engines

Storm Engines & Parts is a fast-growing Dutch company in the Rotterdam region in the field of reconditioning and parts for marine engines.

NEW – We now also sell parts for the Deutz 440 & 441

We recently also added various parts for the Deutz 440 and Deutz 441 engines to our product range. Do you need parts for one of these models? Then be sure to contact us!


Our services

Storm Engines & Parts is a flexible company with extensive experience in the field of construction, renovation and management of local networks (LAN).



In addition to setting highly specialized requirements for our employees, we are VCA certified and work in accordance with NEN and ISO.


Engines and parts

Whether new or reconditioned, all reconditioning work on parts is carried out in our own workshop, so there is no need to rely on third parties. A deal is a deal is our motto. Storm Engines & Parts transports worldwide, whether or not accompanied by one of our mechanics who must perform the work.


Service on call and periodic maintenance

Since we are well aware that fast communication is of great importance in the industry, we are available 24/7 for malfunctions, analysis and/or quotation.

We stick to the tight schedule.


Technical service package

Both nationally and internationally, Storm Engines & Parts can be called in by clients (including engine suppliers) for technical support, expertise and fixed price budgets. This concerns work that must be carried out in (own) workshop, on board or at a location to be agreed upon.


Click below to download the Bolnes Maintenance Program.

🇳🇱 NL-Onderhoudsschema-Bolnes

🇬🇧 EN-Maintenance-Schedule-Bolnes